XnSketch (64bit)1.20

XnSketch is a user-friendly software designed to transform your photos into cartoon or sketch-like images. It offers a variety of artistic effects, allowing users to create unique and visually striking artwork with minimal effort. The interface is simple, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users.

One of the key features of XnSketch is its wide range of filters and effects, including black and white sketches, pastel, oil painting, and more. Users can easily apply these filters to their photos with a single click, adjusting the intensity and other settings to achieve the desired result. The real-time preview feature ensures that users can see changes instantly as they experiment with different styles.

XnSketch supports multiple image formats, enabling users to import and export their photos easily. This flexibility ensures that the software works well with different platforms and applications, making it ideal for those looking to share their creations across social media or other digital spaces.

In addition to its ease of use, XnSketch is available for free, making it an excellent choice for anyone interested in exploring digital art without the need for expensive software. Its lightweight nature ensures smooth performance on most computers, adding to its appeal for casual and professional users alike.

Key Features:

  • Converts photos into cartoon or sketch-like images
  • Offers a wide variety of sketch effects, including pencil, black and white, and pastel
  • Adjustable parameters like contrast, brightness, and opacity to refine the effect
  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Real-time preview of effects
  • Supports multiple image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF
  • Ability to share edited images directly on social media platforms

Programma disponibile in altre lingue

Recensioni degli utenti

Software gratuito

Valutazione dell'utente


Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 10/ Windows 11






Sep 22, 2024


Segnala il software

Ultima versione

XnSketch (64bit) 1.20

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