Pegasus Mail4.71

Pegasus Mailè un client di posta elettronica gratuito, basato su standard, adatto all'uso da parte di singoli o multipli utenti su singoli computer o su reti locali. Un prodotto comprovato, ha servito milioni di utenti dal suo rilascio nel 1990. È estremamente ricco di funzionalità e potente, ma rimane piccolo e veloce.


Version 4.71
  • New PCONFIG  A completely new version of the Pegasus Mail configuration utility PCONFIG has been provided in this release. While most users will never need to run PCONFIG, for those that do, the old version was becoming a major problem - the new version should address that.

  • New OpenSSL build  This release of Pegasus Mail includes OpenSSL version 1.0.1p, the most recent version we have found in testing to be reliably usable with all major online services.

  • SSL performance fixes  SSL performance should be markedly improved in this release, especially during SMTP sending.

  • Addressbook fixes  It is now possible to delete and rename addressbooks in the program. The 'add sender's address to addressbook' option should now work again, various other small corrections have been made in addressbook-related functions.

  • Messages stuck in the queue  A problem where 0-length files in the outgoing SMTP queue could not be reliably deleted from within the program has been fixed (at last).

  • New builds of IERenderer and BearHTML  Michael and Martin have produced versions of the modules that display HTML data in mail messages for this release: the new versions improve stability and rendering quality.

  • Spellchecking changes  Some changes to the way the spellchecker operates been made that should improve its usefulness to those who use it (in particular, a problem where the 'Don't send' button was missing during send-time spellechecks has been corrected).

  • New SpamHalter build  This release includes a new build of Lukas Gebauer's fine SpamHalter Bayesian anti-spam filter with improved reliability and performance.

  • Full German Release  Sven Henze has produced a full German version of v4.71, which can be downloaded from the same page as the English version.

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Recensioni degli utenti

Valutazione dell'utente






Windows All






David Harris


Apr 7, 2016


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Software dello sviluppatore

Pegasus Mail 4.81

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