Zotero (64bit)7.0.8

Zotero is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of managing research materials and citations for academic and professional endeavors. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Zotero simplifies the organization of references, documents, and other research resources.

At its core, Zotero serves as a reference manager, allowing users to collect, organize, and cite sources from a variety of formats, including books, articles, websites, and more. Users can effortlessly import bibliographic information from databases and websites, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Additionally, Zotero integrates seamlessly with word processing software, enabling users to generate citations and bibliographies in various citation styles with just a few clicks.

One of Zotero's standout features is its ability to facilitate collaboration and sharing among researchers. Users can create groups to collaborate on projects, share references, and synchronize their libraries across multiple devices. This collaborative functionality enhances productivity and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration.

Furthermore, Zotero offers advanced search and tagging capabilities, making it easy to locate and organize research materials efficiently. Its robust metadata support ensures accurate and comprehensive citation information, enhancing the credibility and professionalism of scholarly work.

Zotero is an indispensable tool for researchers, students, and professionals alike, empowering them to manage, organize, and cite research materials effectively, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of their work.

Key Features:

  • Browser Integration: Easily save web content with a single click.
  • Metadata Extraction: Automatically grabs citation details from various sources.
  • Organization: Efficiently categorize and manage your research library.
  • Citation Styles: Supports a wide range of citation formats.
  • PDF Management: Attach and access PDFs within Zotero.
  • Collaboration: Share and sync your library with colleagues.
  • Note-taking: Add notes and annotations to your references.
  • Word Processor Integration: Insert citations directly into your documents.
  • Syncing and Backup: Access your library across devices and ensure data safety.

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Windows 7 64/ Windows 8 64/ Windows 10 64/ Windows 11 64




85.15 MB


Zotero Team

Mis à jour:

Oct 18, 2024


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Logiciel du développeur

Zotero (64bit) 7.0.13

Zotero (32bit) 7.0.13

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Ce logiciel n'est plus disponible en téléchargement. Il est très probable que ce programme soit malveillant ou qu'il présente des problèmes de sécurité ou d'autres raisons.

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