Zoom Player MAX14.5 Beta 3

Zoom Player MAX is a feature-rich media player that allows you to watch and enjoy all types of media files on your computer. It is a versatile and powerful software that supports a wide range of audio and video formats, including popular formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, and many others.

One of the key features of Zoom Player MAX is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to use even for beginners. The player has a clean and simple design, and all the essential controls are easily accessible from the main window. You can adjust the playback speed, volume, and even apply video and audio filters to enhance your viewing experience.

Another great feature of Zoom Player MAX is its support for various media formats, including Blu-ray and DVD discs. It can even play ISO images, which means you can enjoy your favorite movies without having to insert a physical disc. The player also has support for subtitles, and you can customize the font, size, and color to suit your preferences.

Zoom Player MAX also comes with advanced features such as audio equalizer, video aspect ratio control, and playlist management. You can create and save your own playlists, and the player will remember your playback position for each media file, so you can easily resume playback from where you left off.

In addition to its extensive features, Zoom Player MAX is also known for its stability and reliability. It is a well-developed software that receives frequent updates to fix bugs and improve performance. The software is also available in multiple languages, which makes it accessible to users from all over the world.

Zoom Player MAX is an excellent media player that offers a comprehensive set of features for users who want to enjoy their favorite media files on their computer. Whether you're watching movies, listening to music, or browsing photos, this software has everything you need to enhance your viewing experience.

Key Features:

  • Support for multiple media formats including DVD, Blu-ray, and various audio and video formats.
  • Customizable interface to suit individual preferences.
  • Advanced playback controls for precise viewing.
  • Audio and video enhancements to improve quality.
  • Playlist and media library management for easy organization.
  • Remote control and multi-monitor support.
  • Online media streaming from popular services.
  • 3D and VR playback support for immersive viewing.

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Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10




30.3 MB



Mis à jour:

Dec 14, 2018


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Zoom Player Free 19.5

Zoom Player MAX 20.1

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