Wireshark (32bit)3.4.3

Wireshark is a widely used network analysis tool that provides detailed insights into network traffic. Developed by the Wireshark community, it is an open-source software that allows users to capture, analyze, and interpret network packets in real-time.

With its user-friendly interface and extensive protocol support, Wireshark has become an indispensable tool for network administrators, security professionals, and developers. It can be utilized for various purposes, including network troubleshooting, protocol development, network security analysis, and educational research.

One of the key features of Wireshark is its ability to capture packets from different network interfaces and protocols. It provides a live capture option, enabling users to observe network traffic in real-time. Additionally, it supports the analysis of encrypted protocols, making it a valuable tool for identifying potential security vulnerabilities.

Wireshark's powerful filtering capabilities allow users to focus on specific network packets and extract relevant information. It provides detailed packet-level analysis, displaying important details such as source and destination IP addresses, packet timing, and protocol-specific data. This level of granularity enables users to diagnose network issues efficiently.

Furthermore, Wireshark offers a range of advanced features, including packet decryption, protocol dissectors, and the ability to export captured data for further analysis. Its extensibility through custom plugins and scripting allows users to tailor the tool to their specific needs.

Wireshark is a versatile and powerful network analysis tool that provides comprehensive insights into network traffic. Whether you are a network administrator, security professional, or developer, Wireshark's robust features and capabilities make it an essential tool in your toolkit.

Key Features:

  • Packet capture and analysis.
  • Support for numerous network protocols.
  • Real-time monitoring.
  • Powerful filtering and search options.
  • Colorized packet display.
  • Packet decoding and reconstruction.
  • Statistics and graphs.
  • Protocol dissection and analysis.
  • Extensibility and customization.
  • Cross-platform compatibility.


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Windows XP/ Vista/ Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 10




53.91 MB


Wireshark Foundation

Mis à jour:

Jan 31, 2021


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Il est très probable que ce programme logiciel soit propre.

Nous avons analysé des fichiers et des URL associés à ce programme logiciel dans plus de 60 des principaux services antivirus mondiaux; aucune menace possible n'a été trouvée. Et il n'y a pas de logiciel tiers inclus.


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Ce logiciel n'est plus disponible en téléchargement. Il est très probable que ce programme soit malveillant ou qu'il présente des problèmes de sécurité ou d'autres raisons.

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