TextPad (64bit)8.0.2

TextPad is a powerful and straightforward text editor designed for Windows, offering a wide range of features that cater to both casual users and developers. Its simple interface makes it easy to use, while still providing advanced functionality for handling large files and complex tasks.

One of its key features is the customizable syntax highlighting, which supports numerous programming languages. This makes it an excellent tool for coding, helping users easily identify and correct errors. Additionally, TextPad allows users to record and automate repetitive tasks through macros, saving time and improving efficiency.

TextPad also supports a multi-document interface, enabling users to work on several files simultaneously. This is particularly useful for programmers who need to cross-reference different files or manage multiple projects at once. Its search and replace function is robust, with the ability to search across multiple open documents.

TextPad is a reliable and efficient text editor suitable for a wide range of users. Its combination of simplicity and powerful features makes it a great tool for coding, document editing, and more. Whether you're writing code or editing text, TextPad provides the necessary tools to enhance your productivity.

Key Features:

  • Large file support: Handles files of unlimited size based on system memory.
  • Multiple document interface: Allows opening and editing multiple documents in a single window.
  • Customizable syntax highlighting: Supports various programming languages with customizable syntax coloring.
  • Powerful search and replace: Offers regular expressions and multi-line search/replace.
  • Clip libraries: Provides a tool for saving and reusing frequently used text snippets.
  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts: Allows configuring key bindings to suit personal preferences.
  • Built-in file compare tool: Compares the content of two files side by side.
  • Code folding: Collapses code sections for better visibility and organization.
  • Spell checker: Provides spell-checking functionality with dictionaries for multiple languages.
  • Macro recording: Automates repetitive tasks by recording and playing back macros.

TextPad éditeur de texte

Quoi de neuf

Version 8.0.2
  • Drag and drop to other applications did not work.
  • The application for TextPad.dde, in the registry, was TextPad.7 instead of TextPad.8.
  • Pasting multiple lines into a Find/Replace edit control didn't work.
  • If a line selected by double clicking in the left margin was searched for, its end of line characters should not have been included in the Find dialog box.
  • The height of the main window was reduced on restart, if the bottom was close to the taskbar.
  • Couldn't compare open files if "Keep files locked while editing them was set".
  • The code page for new documents was not initialised to its document class setting.
  • The BOM setting on Save As was overridden by the document class setting.
  • URLs were not highlighted in the text document class, unless they were preceded by white space.
  • The MS Surface pen could not be used for right clicks.
  • On high definition displays:
    • Item colour listbox text overlapped.
    • Font name listbox text overlapped.
    • The list of suggestions for spelling mistakes overlapped.
    • The font was too small in the Update License dialog box.
    • Visible space glyphs were too small.
    • Large toolbar icons are now automatically selected.
    • The initial size of docking panes for high definition displays was too small.
    • Increased the initial size of the help window.

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Windows XP 64/ Vista 64/ Windows 7 64/ Windows 8 64/ Windows 10 64






Helios Software Solutions

Mis à jour:

May 5, 2016


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Niveaux de sécurité

Pour éviter tout dommage potentiel à votre appareil et assurer la sécurité de vos données et de votre vie privée, notre équipe vérifie chaque fois qu'un nouveau fichier d'installation est téléchargé sur nos serveurs ou lié à un serveur distant et examine périodiquement le fichier pour confirmer ou mettre à jour son statut. Sur la base de cette vérification, nous définissons les niveaux de sécurité suivants pour tous les fichiers téléchargeables.


Il est très probable que ce programme logiciel soit propre.

Nous avons analysé des fichiers et des URL associés à ce programme logiciel dans plus de 60 des principaux services antivirus mondiaux; aucune menace possible n'a été trouvée. Et il n'y a pas de logiciel tiers inclus.


Ce programme est financé par la publicité et peut proposer d'installer des programmes tiers qui ne sont pas nécessaires. Ceux-ci peuvent inclure une barre d'outils, le changement de votre page d'accueil, du moteur de recherche par défaut ou l'installation d'autres programmes tiers. Ceux-ci pourraient être des faux positifs, et nous conseillons à nos utilisateurs d'être prudents lors de l'installation et de l'utilisation de ce logiciel.


Ce logiciel n'est plus disponible en téléchargement. Il est très probable que ce programme soit malveillant ou qu'il présente des problèmes de sécurité ou d'autres raisons.

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