Ryujinx is an open-source Nintendo Switch emulator designed to provide a smooth and accurate gaming experience on PC. Developed by a passionate community, Ryujinx is focused on performance, compatibility, and ease of use, making it accessible to both advanced users and newcomers.

The emulator supports a wide range of Nintendo Switch games, allowing users to play their favorite titles with enhanced graphics, higher frame rates, and customizable settings. With consistent updates, Ryujinx aims to improve its game compatibility and overall stability, making it one of the leading emulators in the community.

Ryujinx also offers features such as multiplayer support, save states, and controller customization. These features contribute to an enhanced gaming experience, giving users the flexibility to tailor their gameplay to their preferences. The emulator is also compatible with a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

In addition to its performance and features, Ryujinx is backed by an active community that continually works to improve the emulator. Through contributions and feedback, the emulator evolves, ensuring that users receive the best possible experience when playing Nintendo Switch games on their PCs.

Key Features:

  • Ryujinx supports a wide range of Nintendo Switch games, offering high compatibility with many titles.
  • The emulator is designed for stability, providing consistent performance across different games.
  • Ryujinx has a clean and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users.
  • Users can customize their control settings to suit their preferences.
  • Ryujinx allows users to upscale the resolution of games, improving visual quality.
  • The emulator supports save states, enabling users to save and load their progress at any point in the game.
  • Ryujinx offers local multiplayer support, allowing players to enjoy multiplayer games with friends.
  • The emulator is actively maintained, with regular updates that improve performance and compatibility.

Ryujinx émulateur Nintendo Switch jeux

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Windows 10/ Windows 11




50.93 MB



Mis à jour:

Aug 15, 2024


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Logiciel du développeur

Ryujinx 1.1.1398

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