Registry Repair5.0.1.126

Registry Repair is the most efficient registry cleaning software to fix registry problems. It works with all Windows Operating Systems and scans Windows Registry quickly with comprehensive analysis. This registry repair tool only needs a few easy steps to fix invalid Windows Registry entries, correct DLL errors and clean up junks. It makes sure that Windows Registry is perfect and error free, so as to support your computer running smoothly at peak performance!

It will analyze more than ten different areas in your registry and can identify up to 18 types of errors. It can also scan the Windows registry for errors, invalid entries, Regedit optimization, etc.

It creates a backup copy every time the registry is repaired, and it also allows you to add safe registry entries to the whitelist so you can use it to restore the registry to its current state in case you encounter Some system failures.

With a fast, thorough and safe scanning engine, it quickly scans the Windows registry through a comprehensive analysis, and the quick scan can be completed in a very small amount of time.

It's an advanced registry cleaner for Windows that allows you to safely scan, clean and repair registry problems. Registry repair uses high-performance detection algorithms to quickly identify missing and invalid references in the Windows registry, and allows you to repair the registry and optimize PC performance with a few simple mouse clicks.

Glarysoft registry repair is very easy to use. It is fast, creating a backup before each registry modification, and will not hinder your system performance at the same time.

Key Features:

  • Highly intelligent engine that finds invalid registry entries.
  • High scanning speed with detailed result.
  • Make backups of any registry change made.
  • Improve system performance and stability.
  • Simple and user-friendly interface.
  • Fast, thorough and safe scanning engine.

Quoi de neuf


  • Optimized Registry Repair: optimized the deletion algorithm to improve user experience
  • Minor GUI improvements
  • Minor bug fixes

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Avis des utilisateurs

Niveaux de sécurité

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