Process Lasso (32bit)

Process Lasso is a software utility developed by Bitsum that aims to improve the performance and stability of Windows-based computers. It does this by prioritizing the CPU usage of running processes, which helps to reduce system lag, improve response times, and prevent system hangs or crashes.

Process Lasso works by monitoring the activity of running processes and dynamically adjusting their CPU priorities to ensure that high-priority processes get the resources they need to run smoothly. It also includes a range of other features, including the ability to set CPU affinities, which specifies which CPU cores a process can use, and to limit the number of instances of a particular process that can run at the same time.

Another useful feature of Process Lasso is its ability to manage system power settings. It includes a feature called Power Profile Automation that can automatically switch between power-saving and high-performance modes depending on the current usage patterns of the computer.

Process Lasso is a highly configurable tool that can be customized to suit the needs of different users. It is also lightweight and does not consume a lot of system resources. Overall, Process Lasso is a useful utility for anyone looking to improve the performance and stability of their Windows-based computer.

Key Features:

  • Process Priority Optimization: Process Lasso dynamically adjusts the priorities of running processes to improve system responsiveness and prevent CPU usage spikes.
  • ProBalance Technology: This technology intelligently adjusts the priority of processes based on their CPU usage history, preventing them from monopolizing system resources.
  • Automation: Process Lasso includes a variety of automation features, including default process priorities, rules, and advanced process limits.
  • Energy Saver: Process Lasso can also save energy by throttling processes and intelligently managing system performance based on user-defined criteria.
  • Gaming Mode: The gaming mode feature allows users to optimize their system for gaming performance by prioritizing game processes and disabling unnecessary background processes.

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Avis des utilisateurs

Niveaux de sécurité

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Ce logiciel n'est plus disponible en téléchargement. Il est très probable que ce programme soit malveillant ou qu'il présente des problèmes de sécurité ou d'autres raisons.

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