CyberLink YouCam10.1.2717

CyberLink YouCam is a dynamic webcam software that enhances the online communication and content creation experience. Packed with a myriad of features, YouCam brings a new dimension to video conferencing, live streaming, and video recording. Its user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities make it a go-to tool for individuals looking to add creativity and flair to their virtual presence.

With YouCam, users can apply real-time beauty enhancements during video calls, ensuring a polished and professional appearance. The software also offers a diverse range of augmented reality (AR) effects, allowing users to transform their backgrounds or add entertaining filters for a lighthearted touch.

Beyond video communication, YouCam serves as a robust video editing tool, enabling users to edit and enhance their recordings effortlessly. The software supports various video formats, making it versatile for different multimedia needs.

In addition, YouCam embraces facial recognition technology to enable fun and interactive experiences, such as animated emojis that mimic users' expressions in real time. This feature adds an extra layer of personalization to online interactions.

CyberLink YouCam is a feature-rich webcam software that elevates the way individuals engage in virtual communication and content creation. Its intuitive interface and innovative features make it a standout choice for those seeking to enhance their online presence and creativity.

Key Features :

  • Real-time Face Tracking: Tracks and applies effects to your face in real-time for dynamic virtual enhancements.
  • Photo and Video Effects: Offers a wide range of filters and animations for personalized content creation.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Effects: Overlays virtual objects and backgrounds onto the webcam feed for an interactive experience.
  • Live Presentation Tools: Enhances presentations with PowerPoint integration and real-time annotations during video conferences.
  • Avatar Creator: Allows users to create personalized avatars that mimic facial expressions in real-time.
  • Panorama and HDR Mode: Captures high-quality photos with panorama mode and enhances image quality using HDR.
  • Dual Camera Support: Supports switching between different camera sources for a dynamic video feed.
  • Security Features: Includes face login and surveillance mode for additional device security.
  • Photo Editing Tools: Provides basic photo editing tools for captured images.
  • Desktop Capture and Recording: Captures screen or specific regions and records videos for versatile content creation.

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Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10/ Windows 11




1.12 MB


CyberLink Corp

Mis à jour:

Dec 29, 2023


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Dernière Version

CyberLink YouCam 10.1.2717

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Ce logiciel n'est plus disponible en téléchargement. Il est très probable que ce programme soit malveillant ou qu'il présente des problèmes de sécurité ou d'autres raisons.

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