Connectify Hotspot23.0.1.40175

Connectify Hotspot is a robust and user-friendly software designed to transform your computer into a powerful Wi-Fi hotspot. This innovative tool allows you to share your internet connection with multiple devices, creating a seamless and efficient network environment.

With Connectify Hotspot, you can easily extend the reach of your internet connection to smartphones, tablets, and other devices in your vicinity. The intuitive interface makes it simple for users of all levels to set up and manage their hotspot, enhancing connectivity without the need for complex configurations.

One notable feature of Connectify Hotspot is its ability to prioritize and customize network settings, ensuring a reliable and optimized internet experience. Additionally, the software offers advanced security options, protecting your hotspot with password protection and WPA2-PSK encryption.

Connectify Hotspot is an ideal solution for individuals and businesses alike, providing a convenient way to share internet connectivity without the constraints of physical cables. Streamlined and efficient, Connectify Hotspot is the go-to choice for those seeking a reliable and straightforward Wi-Fi hotspot solution.

Key Features:

  • Easily turn your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot to share internet with other devices.
  • Share various internet connections, including Wi-Fi, Ethernet, 3G, and 4G networks.
  • Personalize your hotspot with a custom name and password for secure access.
  • Connect devices to the hotspot while keeping them on the same network through bridging mode.
  • Function as a wired router, sharing internet via an Ethernet cable.
  • Block annoying ads on connected devices with the built-in Universal Ad Blocker.
  • Monitor data usage in real-time for all connected devices.
  • Manage access with firewall controls, allowing or restricting specific devices.
  • Control IP and DHCP settings for a more customized network configuration.
  • Facilitate easy file sharing between devices on the same hotspot.

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Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10




10.66 MB



Mis à jour:

Jan 2, 2024


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Ce logiciel n'est plus disponible en téléchargement. Il est très probable que ce programme soit malveillant ou qu'il présente des problèmes de sécurité ou d'autres raisons.

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