Category: Utilities
How to restore a previous version of a file in Windows 7?
Have you ever had the problem of modifying a file and realize that you also need the original only AFTER you saved the new and modified one? Well, it’s a pretty common mistake but don’t panic because there is a simple solution to that. Step 1: Find the file that you modified, or, if you…
How to Change Virtual Memory?
Virtual memory allows the system to use hard disk space to store information normally stored in RAM. You can adjust virtual memory to help increase your performance if your computer is running too many programs at once. This article will give you quick steps for adjusting virtual memory and increasing your computer’s performance. Step One:…
How to Open ISO Files?
Some software or even movies can be found as an ISO file only. You can never actually open (in the sense double-click) on an ISO file, but you can burn it to a CD or DVD as an image, and then you can open it from that CD/DVD. Here is how to burn ISO files…
How to Check your Disk for Errors in Windows?
From time to time, it is a good idea to check all hard disk drives on your computer for errors. The errors, if undiscovered, may later cause loss of data, corruption of your files and folders, or very slow performance of your computers. Here is how to check your disks for errors with Windows default…
How to check your computer for disk failure and system health?
When you have had your computer for a long time and you use it by very often installing new files and programs and deleting old ones, your hard disk may start to give failures. It is also good to check the health of your computer because once disks become faulty, you may experience inferior performance.…
How to clean your system and make your computer run faster with CCleaner?
At some point, you will notice that your computer is going slower. There can be many reasons for that but usually it’s just because you use it. What?! Yes, you installed a lot of software you don’t use anymore, you didn’t empty your recycle bin for years and probably the same goes for the Internet…