How to Make Photos Look Less Pixelated

The higher resolution, the more smooth we can enjoy. But under a low webcams and low-end cell phones, it usually comes out low-resolution image. That looks very bad and we need to deal with the image with Photoshop to improve the quality. How to solve this problem? Here is the instruction to tell you how to make image look less pixelated by smoothing the image.

1. Hold “Ctrl” and “O” at the same time, and then select the pixelated image via the window that opens.

2. Click “Filter—-Blur—-Gaussian Blur.” Slide the slider until the image in the preview window is smooth. Click “OK.”

3. Click “Filter—-Sharpen—-Unsharp Mask.” Slide each slider until the image looks a bit sharper. You could control the slider as you need. Click “OK” to confirm.

4. Now you could get an image with higher resolution.


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