How to block a website in all browsers at once?

If you have a kid at home, the browser doesnt have to be too much of an „imagination land” if you know what I mean. Too much YouTube, Facebook, Reddit or 9gag can hurt you too, not only the kid so here is how you can block them:

Step 1: Go to Computer/ Local Disk (C:)/ Windows/ System32 / drivers/ etc and double click on the „hosts” file.

Block site 1

Step 2: The system doesn‘t have a default software to open such a file so it will open a window with suggestions. Select Notepad to open the file.

Block site 2

Step 3: This file is used by the TCP/IP protocols to grant or deny access to different web sites. Click at the end of the last line after “localhost” and hit Enter to create a new line.

Block site 3

Step 4: Write down the sites you want to blockbut you have to begin with and a space after it like this: “” or “” etc. Don’t forget to save the file by clicking on “File” and select “Save” or just use the shortcut Ctrl + S.

Block site 4


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