How to Fix Jagged Edges in PhotoShop

Adobe Photoshop is a fantastic program which can help you to retouch digital artwork. Sometimes we may meet the problem of jagged edges, and Adobe Photoshop can help us to solve this problem caused by low megapixel cameras. You can remove jagged edges by smoothing the entire photograph, or by smoothing the edges manually. Here is the instruction.



Manually Bluring Edges

1. Launch Photoshop and open the image you want to edit.

2. Locate the TOOLBOX and select the Blur tool. Left click to trace the jagged edges.


Bluring the Entire Photograph

1. Launch Photoshop and open the image you want to edit.

2. Click on “Filter” from the list of options at the top of the workspace. A sub-menu appears.

3. Click on “Blur” in the Filter sub-menu to expand the blur filter list.

4. Select either “Blur” or “Blur More” from the blur filter list. This applies a blurring effect to the entire image.


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