
Netcut is a powerful network management tool designed to monitor and control network traffic within a local area network (LAN). Developed primarily for Windows operating systems, Netcut provides users with the ability to view and manage network connections in real-time.

With Netcut, users can easily identify all devices connected to the network, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and other network-enabled devices. The intuitive interface allows users to view detailed information about each device, such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, and connection status.

One of the key features of Netcut is its ability to control network access by blocking or limiting the bandwidth of specific devices. This functionality is particularly useful for network administrators who need to prioritize bandwidth for critical tasks or limit access to certain resources.

Netcut also includes a range of additional features, including network speed testing, network discovery, and network mapping. These tools help users better understand the structure and performance of their network, allowing for more effective troubleshooting and optimization.

Overall, Netcut is a valuable tool for anyone looking to manage and optimize their local area network. Its intuitive interface, powerful features, and comprehensive network management capabilities make it a popular choice among both home users and network administrators alike.

Key Features:

  • Device Identification: Easily identify devices connected to your network.
  • Network Monitoring: Keep track of network activity in real-time.
  • Bandwidth Management: Control and prioritize bandwidth usage for different applications or users.
  • Network Disconnection: Block unwanted devices from accessing the network.
  • ARP Spoofing Protection: Protect against ARP spoofing attacks to secure network traffic.
  • User-friendly Interface: Intuitive interface for easy navigation and control.
  • Compatibility: Works with various Windows operating systems.
  • Network Security Enhancement: Enhances network security by detecting and preventing potential threats.

Programma beschikbaar in andere talen




Gratis proefperiode


Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 10/ Windows 11




4.98 MB


Netcut Team


Sep 17, 2024




Netcut 3.0.254


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