
ALLPlayer is a feature-rich multimedia player that stands out for its user-friendly interface and impressive array of functionalities. Designed for Windows operating systems, ALLPlayer excels in providing a seamless and immersive media playback experience. The player supports a wide range of multimedia formats, ensuring compatibility with various audio and video files.

One notable aspect of ALLPlayer is its intelligent subtitle functionality. The software can automatically download and synchronize subtitles, enhancing the viewing experience for users. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who enjoy watching foreign films or content in different languages.

ALLPlayer also boasts advanced playback options, allowing users to adjust playback speed, customize subtitles, and apply various audio and video filters. Additionally, the software supports streaming from popular online platforms, making it a versatile solution for those who prefer to access content directly from the internet.

With its sleek design and intuitive controls, ALLPlayer offers a user-friendly interface that caters to both novice and experienced users. Whether you're a movie enthusiast or a casual viewer, ALLPlayer provides a reliable and enjoyable platform for multimedia playback on your Windows device.

Key Features:

  • Subtitle Expertise: Advanced subtitle support with automatic downloads and customization options.
  • Codec Finder: Locates and downloads missing codecs for seamless playback.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design for easy navigation, catering to users of all levels.
  • Playback Controls: Standard controls with additional features like slow motion and frame-by-frame playback.
  • Remote Control Compatibility: Supports remote control functionality for convenient operation.
  • YouTube Integration: Allows direct playback of YouTube videos within the player.
  • LiveUpdate: Keeps the player updated with the latest codecs and software enhancements.
  • 3D Video Support: Capable of playing 3D videos for an immersive viewing experience.
  • Audio Equalizer: Includes an equalizer for personalized sound adjustments.
  • Playlist Management: Enables the creation and management of playlists for seamless playback.
  • Dual Subtitles: Supports the simultaneous display and customization of two sets of subtitles.
  • Screen Capture: Allows users to capture screenshots during video playback.

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Windows All






ALLCinema Ltd


Dec 15, 2023


리포트 소프트웨어

개발자 소프트웨어

ALLPlayer 9.4.0

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이 프로그램은 광고 지원을 받으며 필수는 아닌 제3자 프로그램 설치를 제안할 수 있습니다. 여기에는 툴바 설치, 홈페이지 변경, 기본 검색 엔진 변경 또는 다른 제3자 프로그램 설치가 포함될 수 있습니다. 이러한 프로그램은 오탐일 수 있으며, 사용자들은 이 소프트웨어를 설치하고 사용할 때 주의할 것을 권장합니다.


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